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Why do Ukrainian girls want to marry Americans?

A paradise overseas.
In foreign movies and series a satisfied and happy life is shown: women rest in resorts and spa-salons, make shopping tours, travel, do what they like, make a career, bring up children, get expensive gifts from their husbands. Ukrainian women often live in a completely different way: they have to work on two jobs, have little time for themselves, they rest not in resorts but working near their country-houses, their husbands often drink and a mother-in-law often reminds them of her gift of a single-bedroom flat of a low quality. A wish to lead a full life is natural. Moreover, girls in Ukraine are ready to give not less than to take.

A prince from far away.
An image of a foreigner is always connected with some romanticism and mystique. The hot Spanish blood, the French sensitivity, the Italian passion have always attracted Slavic women. And American men can often boast of an interesting blood mix – an Indian, Irish, Mexican, German one. Slavic girls often find compatriots to be too predictable and their actions and compliments trite.

Vika from Odessa   Tanya from Lugansk   Natasha from Sumy

New impressions.
The majority of brides dreaming of a foreign husband live in provincial cities and, as people in Ukraine speak, haven’t eaten anything sweeter than a carrot but they to see the world so much! To marry a foreigner is a chance to leave one’s province and to visit far-away countries.

An excessive simplicity of Ukrainian men.
An opinion has long ago worked out that the majority of local men are lazybones and willy boys who lay on a sofa with a can of beer after work. They have no interests, have a double chin, a beer belly and a shandrydan is a single achievement in life. American men have a different attitude to life and self-development is not on the last place for them. Also, one shouldn’t deny that in the USA sports is better developed and many office employees or in the morning before work are hurrying to visit a gym. The thing is in that living standards in the USA are higher, that’s why there are better possibilities to do something for one’s body and soul. There are many programs motivating to go in for sports and to study. Various courses, trainings and seminars, visiting of clubs, participation in various public events etc. are popular within American men.

Irina, 22 y/o   Juliya from Simferopol   Marina, 23 y/o

A life from scratch.
A foreign country, and such a developed one as the USA means new possibilities. It’s a chance to get a decent education and job. There is nothing bad in this self-interest, as for an educated woman who has a well-paid job it is much easier to find a man for herself, as for her a financial welfare won’t play an important role.

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