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Understanding Ukrainian women. 3 simple advices to men

In every woman should be a mystery –this is the basis of Ukrainian gender mentality. And indeed, every soul of Ukrainian girl keeps a lot of secrets that are often unable to solve even by Ukrainian men. But what should Western men do who are trying to find the appropriate solution how to win a heart of Ukrainian bride?

First of all, you should immediately remember that in the world there is no such an instruction, which would help to expose all the features of the female character. No matter how many times you may try to understand any of Ukrainian ladies it is still impossible to do that completely (because she does not know herself well enough). But there are some guidelines for those who are still dreaming to find out about the secret of women's unpredictability.

1) You will never be able to understand Ukrainian woman completely. There is no such a thing as ‘female logics’ , it cannot be explained. Any man who tries to untangle a string of reasoning why the girl made that decision will be always confused.

2) A woman thinks all the men are the same and a man thinks all the women are the same.
Quite often men think that all Ukrainian women are the same. In fact, often men think about previous relationship experience. So, do not try to understand the female soul do not compare women. Remember: Ukrainian women are totally different and before you delve into their thoughts you should choose a particular object of study. Please do not compare women even after all the failures you had.

3) We cannot say that Ukrainian women have no character; they just have a different character every day.
Think about it when you consider that unraveled the essence of your new friend and the next day you will meet your girlfriend but you will thinks that she is a different person. The thing is that the girls in Ukraine are constantly changing depending on age, experience, mood, environment, weather. This should be taken into consideration

So, as we mentioned above, a Ukrainian woman is often guided by feelings and after that by her mind. To be able to understand the logics of it you should listen to the feelings and emotions. Thanks to feelings that girl is not thinking about the consequences and acts impulsively.

If in some situation you do not know how to understand Ukrainian woman and think her act is illogical and wrong, do not be mad at her about it- it is just useless. When your lady will calm down she will regret about it. You have to be patient and indulgent, it is not necessary to respond to emotional outbursts. So this will be your main key to the heart of Ukrainian women and you will be able to understand them well.