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Girls and women from Ukraine in European sex industry. Real facts and numbers.

An increase in the difference between rich and poor countries affects mostly the state of women and children. A destroy of national economy and political system taking place in Ukraine now caused many hardships to all social groups, but women are the most vulnerable in the situation. They often find themselves in a hard situation: they are fully responsible for family’s finances, and at the same time, in comparison with men, have no equal opportunities both in access to a well-paid job and a problem of a legal employment migration. As a result, the number of women who migrate is increasing dramatically. Nearly a half of migrants from Ukraine are young women. The factors mentioned open a good scope of work for panders who recruit young girls to offer them job abroad. And the majority of them have to work in sex business.

Vika from Kharkov   Tanya from Lviv   Julia from Odessa

In European sex industry girls from countries of the former USSR make the absolute majority now even challenging African and Asian girls. According to the data of Ukrainian Survey Institute, now more than 100 thousands of Ukrainian women sell their bodies abroad. The real number is much higher, as the majority of girls are abroad illegally.
According to the International Migration Organization lately Ukraine along with Moldova, Russia, Albania, and Nigeria became one of the leaders by delivery to Europe of sex workers. 23% of 700 thousands of women who work as prostitutes in Western Europe are Ukrainian citizens.

Elena from Kiev   Karina from Zaporozhye   Ella from Sevastopol

While studying an expansion of this phenomenon in Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union, one can rely only on non-official sources, expert analysis, data of foreign non-governmental organizations working in a previously mentioned sphere. For instance, in Israel more than a half of prostitutes are citizens of the countries of CIS. More than 1000 Ukrainian women are weekly deported from Turkey. In Holland not less than 3 thousands of prostitutes from the former USSR work. By Yugoslavian experts’ evaluations only in Serbian bars work about 1 thousand of Ukrainian women involuntary.

In Spain that is a conservative country prostitution is flourishing. There are about five thousand of bordellos. About 300 thousands of women are in prostitution. Mostly they are foreign. From one third to a half are Ukrainian.