UKRAINIANBRIDES.RU Pretty faces: photo portraits of cute Ukrainian women
Modern men value woman’s beauty by their breasts’ size and nice buns emphasizing long legs. According to experts’ confession, a man looks into woman’s eyes after he has examined everything else. And to scientists’ opinion, a man should first of all evaluate a woman’s face and only then start evaluating other features of her body. Scientists managed to discover that Ukrainian women’s faces are even more pretty and attractive due to ‘childish’ traits, in other words to a protruding forehead, big widely open eyes, round cheeks, a small nose etc. It’s our explanation within natural biological factors connected with a search for a partner of an opposite sex for continuation of generation.
For girls from Ukraine a narrow facial shape with smooth suntanned skin, big eyes, full lips, thin eyebrows, long dark eyelashes, a small narrow nose, high cheekbones
Visual impression effects a man’s perception of a woman. That’s why Ukrainian women know that facial beauty is very important for general beauty and sexuality. Natural beauty of Ukrainian brides is also forced by knowing how to present their appearance beneficially, delicately: to choose clothes, make-up, haircut, accessories fitting her, to know how to wear it in a nice way.
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