UKRAINIANBRIDES.RU 10 facts about ukrainian women. Job and finance. In Ukraine it is considered to be normal to refuse job to pregnant women and women with children. According to polling data of International Center of Perspective Research, 58 % of polled women felt discrimination during employment. 80 % of 7 millions of labor migrants who are searching for a job are women. Education Ukraine is one of many countries of the world where education level of women exceeds men’s educational level significantly. Balance of people with higher education among men and women and gender correlation of students of higher educational establishments. Life span Ukrainian women live longer than men. To experts’ opinion, it is connected with the majority of professions which are entrusted to men. An average difference in life span among men and women in Ukraine is 12 years. In the interval from 20 to 45 a risk of death with men is higher than with women. There is an interesting comparison: an average life span of women and in Europe is 78, in Ukraine it is 68. Home and family In Ukraine an average woman gets married at the age of 22.8 and gives birth to her first child at the age of 23.2. Theoretically, a registration of one’s relationship takes place on the 5th month of pregnancy of an average bride). According to statistics presented by a Department if family and gender policy of Ukraine’s Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports more than 52% of Ukrainian families are headed by women. READ ALSO:Almost every third girl in Russia decides that she would like to marry a foreigner. Why is it so? This question was not once asked by insulted russian guys, especially, when they found themselves on forums dedicated to a topic ‘To marry a foreigner’ by chance or on purpose. Well, here are the main reasons why a marriage with a representative of a foreign country is after a lady’s heart. |
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