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English-speaking Ukrainian women: dating and marriage without a language barrier.

For a Ukrainian woman who is going to leave for abroad, a foreign language becomes the main ally and at the same time the main sticking point in communication. Quality of one’s life, relationship and adaptation process depend directly on a foreign language knowledge level. Love is a powerful ally in communication between those who are in love, they understand each other without words… But love is love and one shouldn’t forget about everyday life.
An International professional portal HeadHunter published data based on the research of Ukraine’s employment market. Even in 2008, only 15 per cent of Ukrainian office seekers could boast of speaking English. This index was the same with both men and women. The situation changed in two years (by the end of 2010): the number of Ukrainian women speaking English increased more than halfway and the ‘man’s’ rates turned out to be less than a ‘woman’s’ one and made only 20 per cent. In 2013, almost 32 per cent of Ukrainian women spoke English language.

Svetlana from Odessa   Viktoriya from Kiev   Vika from Zhitomyr

Speaking English became not just an advantage which helped girls in communication on dating agencies’ sites, but also a necessity. British Government ordained a law that demanded immigrants contracting a marriage with citizens of their country to have a sufficient knowledge of the English language. It concerns citizens of countries not included into European Union (including Russians and Ukrainians).
Now just to get a British visa before marriage and date with a beloved person on his territory, a Ukrainian woman will have to show knowledge of English language fundamentals to a special comity. Before the new law emergence, a couple had just to prove a reality of their relationships.

Valeriya from Krivoy Rog   Irina from Nikolaev   Ira from Kherson

Here is what brides from Ukraine speak of English language knowledge: ‘Is it possible to build a serious relationship if your language level is the same as of one-ear-old child’s? I am proud that I was able to answer a marriage offer in English in a completely conscious way that I am ready to get married!’
Anna, 25, Canada

‘One should think not only about appearance to get married with a foreigner. Men treat marriage very seriously and marry only those who can understand them, not those they can show to friends’
Veronika, 31, Australia

‘I have already been married for two years, and I live in California. It was difficult for me to learn the language before I left for the USA until I began to treat it seriously with real teachers and many books. Really, everything depends on us.’
Olga, 24, USA